The recognition of the aspects that can cause the individual to develop UPP is of great importance. In this context the Nurse uses instrument characterized for scale of evaluation of risk and the conditions as: metabolic, neurological, force of shear, friction, humidity and incontinence. 3 the application of the method for evaluation of the conditions of the integrity of the skin and the factors of risk to the UPP development, are paper of the Nurse, being available for the management of UPP risk scale as: Norton, Waterlow, Braden and Gosnell, its application and interpretation must be carried through in the admission and during the internment hospitalar4. Ahead the gotten result of the application of the scale of risk evaluation, the Nurse prescribes its action, considered writ of prevention as: mobilization and the reposicionamento; cares with the skin, hidratao and protection of the skin with cream the base of water; mattress installation I specify; plate of hidrocolide; transparent film; nutricionais conditions, ingesta hdrica.5 the relevance of this study consists of searching in 2001 publications the 2010, the knowledge of the application of scale of evaluation of risk of UPP in UTI, contributing, in such a way as management of quality of the nursing assistance. OBJECTIVES) To analyze scientific publications on the scale of evaluation of UPP risk, that contemplates the prevention of UPP in patient interned in UTI in the period of 2001 the 2010. b) To identify the model of scales of risk evaluation that better contemplates the evaluations of the surveys of problems in UTI, as well as, the necessities of interventions of Nursing in practical and efficient way. Ill REVISION OF Patient LITERATURE critically interned in UTI, presents or can present serious the clinical conditions, needing complex, decurrent therapy the hemodinmica instability, rigorous controls of the hemodinmicos parameters, beyond the engaged general state, advanced age, modified nutricional state, use of vasoativas drugs, organic volubility and significant limitation of mobility. .
Preparations intended to prevent an unwanted pregnancy are called contraceptives. Among them is a group of funds, which are synthetic female sex hormones, which are affecting natural menstrual cycle, prevent some of the physiological processes necessary for the implementation of fertilization. They are called oral or hormonal contraceptives. All drugs in this group is divided into three groups: monophasic progestin-estrogen preparations: contain two types of sex hormones (estrogens and progestins) in each tablet ratio of both components and their number are the same; two-and three-phase progestin-estrogen drugs: also contain both estrogen and progestogen, but different tablets contained in a single package of the drug contained a different number of components. This achieves more physiological (close to natural) change in concentration of sex hormones in women during the menstrual cycle.
These drugs have fewer side effects compared with monophasic, mainly due by the fact that the concentration of hormones in them is much lower. Comparable efficacy of both subgroups. monogormonalnye progestin products – contain only gestagen.Oralnye contraceptives are used not only to contraception. They are successfully used for many gynecological disorders, including endometriosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, and painful menstruation. Shortcomings oral contraceptives: the need to adhere strictly to the drug (Missed, and even welcome at other times of the day than usual, reducing the effectiveness), the presence of side effects (through the establishment of modern multiphase drugs side effects are minimal). It must be remembered that many of these drugs are incompatible with smoking. In addition, many of them are contraindicated for women with hypertension, tendency to thrombosis and some other diseases. The term "oral contraceptives" do not fully reflect the current state of development of this branch of pharmaceutics. The fact that the word 'oral' is understood that these drugs are taken orally in pill form. However, there are now drugs that are used by injection (one injection lasts for a few months) and in the form of capsules, which are 'sewed' under the skin and isolated the active ingredient gradually.
Delicious jams specialties of Rigoni di Asiago, 1st March 2012. The first rays of the Spring Sun wake up craving citrus fruits in many people. Especially in the warm season, the intense flavors of Sun-drenched fruit are a fresh taste. Bitter oranges and tangerines accompany this pleasure also in the autumn and winter. Jams specialities of Rigoni di Asiago time for citrus fruits all year round. Equal to five citrus varieties, the range of FiordiFrutta fruit spreads includes: bitter orange, Tangerine, pink grapefruit, lemon and citrus mix. Did you know? Bitter oranges are also called Seville orange’ is known because they were the Spanish city of Seville named after. Bitter than other oranges are smaller and in taste.
They used almost exclusively in the production of jams, to the production of oil and to flavor dishes. So FiordiFrutta unfolds its typical taste bitter orange great for duck and other meat dishes. Be as “Easy Peeler” Mandarins in the jargon means. The sweetest fruit in the citrus varieties can be also as FiordiFrutta Mandarin easily spread on the bread. Originally, a fruit from China, tangerines, have the same name like Tangerine, Senior Adviser in the Chinese Empire. Trick or treat this decision arises with pink grapefruit do not.
With her typical citrus flavor, tastes sweet and at the same time refreshing herb. Also, the pink grapefruit is a popular breakfast fruit. FiordiFrutta pink grapefruit ensures exotic palate tickling guaranteed no splashing. Lemons come originally from the North of India. They are known for their tart fresh flavor. Whether as a household remedy against colds or as a multi-tasker in the kitchen lemon is inseparable from the budget. And with FiordiFrutta lemon earned a permanent place on the breakfast table this famous citrus. The sunny life force of Mediterranean citrus fruit is in the FiordiFrutta citrus mix. This variety is a tart sweet taste of bitter oranges, lemons, mandarins flavoured with bergamot, which makes for a distinctive flavor. All varieties of citrus family FiordiFrutta included fine pieces of fruit variety in the kitchen. They make shakes, desserts and pastries excellently as a bread spread, as well as yogurt and cottage cheese dishes, milk refining. Also as an ingredient for a fruity fresh cuisine, the FiordiFrutta citrus varieties are an asset. With FiordiFrutta lemon is a cream soup with ricotta lemon dumplings gaining sophistication. Turkey cheese rolls with FiordiFrutta Mandarin a fruity touch. Extensive recipe material is available directly from Rigoni di Asiago,. Pure nature products are gentle processing of whole fruit FiordiFrutta fruit spreads. All processed fruits come from organic farming. A specially designed low temperature process ensures the processing to maintain a high level of nutrients and vitamins. The fruits be stirred at 25 degrees Celsius cold and finally just pasteurized in the glass. Rigoni di Asiago sweetens FiordiFrutta exclusively with the pure fruit sweetness of organic apples. Just nutrition-conscious consumers benefit from the advantages over conventional, jam sweetened with refined sugar and jams.
Well, for the impatient, defaulters, the bungling and the weak there is one last hope and last test: Maintaining ideal weight is not always easy, because not all fit the requirement of calculating calories continuously introduced to keep forever correspondence between them and the organizational requirements, although the number of allowed daily calories is high and allows greater flexibility in the daily distribution of food. However, always required the continued references to the table of calories in order to avoid past mistakes and regain lost weight and price of many sacrifices. Therefore, thinking of those who believe that too boring and heavy work, you have the opportunity to follow the diet coupled, which eliminates the many drawbacks of a calorie-controlled diet and allows greater freedom of choice. Which is it? O is often the problem is very specific weight. Obese subjects is "soft" looking for a fast weight loss, for reasons: Sports (when they should stick to a weight in response to a category: boxing, judo, jumpers, fighters), professionals (dancers, models, jockeys, actors), Social (gala dinner); Economic and clothing (clothing that has been too narrow). When the reason for the desire to lose weight is established, before leaving the subject commits follies, run unnecessary risks of depletion of water reservoirs (diuretics, saunas) or undergo a radical diet and detrimental to their psychosomatic balance should be invoked for two or three days, on vitamin and mineral coverage (green beans), a contribution of 1.5 g protein / kg. at the usual time of meals, with a minimum of half a liter of water at every meal. .