Figure 2: Solfejos, 1 Volume, n 3? Lullaby 19 the coletnea Canto Orfenico was composed in two volumes with martial marches, songs, cantos stops conscientious education, civic, folclricos and artistic cantos, being the first one destined to education in the public schools and the courses of formation of the professors of the SEMA. Great part is constituted of patriotic subjects. Figure 3: I sing Orfenico, 1 Volume, n 40? Greeting the Getlio Vargas 1.2.2. Formation of the professors and assistant technician of I sing Orfenico the education of Canto Orfenico evolved all for the country. In 1942 it was instituted in the validity of the Minister of the Education and Health Gustavo Capanema the National Conservatory of Canto Orfenico (CNCO) through the Decree n 4993 (attached 02), subordinate to the National Department of Education, with the purpose to all enable officially the professors of the schools of primary and secondary education of the country, beyond guiding and fiscalizing the performance of the project.
The service in the schools was taken offense at the lack of professors specialized in collective education, mainly had to the unfamiliarity of unknown educational methods. It urged, therefore, to create an establishment standard that inside prepared professors of the most modern rules of the Pedagogia and Didtica, that if they made entire about the original processes technician of the education of Canto Orfenico, and that thus they became apt the difundiz them conveniently for all the country (ARRUDA, 1964, P. 106). 20 Figure 4: Panel of pictures of professors specialized in music and I sing orfenico? Source: Archive of the Villa-Wolf Museum.
Earnings not generated any kind of benefit for the environment and its inhabitants and the consequences were seeing through time as dire. Fortunately today, to become aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy environment, tourism also will agree to changes, reformulating new concepts and ways of practicing this activity. Thus was born the ecotourism, pointing to the practice of sustainable tourism, friend of the environment, which meets the needs of the communities where is carried out and that is economically profitable. According to the global code of ethics for tourism it is reducing the negative effects of tourism on the environment and the cultural heritage at the time that leverage to maximize the benefits of tourism in promoting sustainable development. To achieve this goal you must think about planned tourism which contributes to maintain and improve the biological and cultural diversity, using resources in a judicious way, reducing consumption and waste. It should be noted that the existence of a wilderness area or an ecosystem interesting for its diversity does not guarantee the success of an ecotourism company.
You must therefore have the means and procedures aimed at minimizing the impact that visitors may cause in the environment, so getting to sustain its activity at the time. But although the regulation and implementation of appropriate standards and control by the local community are important, in the long term success of ecotourism depends on tourists themselves become aware of its importance and travel do so responsibly, taking care to respect the environment and the community receiving them to keep these qualities. Hotel La Casona del Camino Real, committed to raising awareness on the guests, the following recommendations are exhibited to help the environment, not just in the case of travel, but to apply in your own environment also need protection. Ten recommendations for a sustainable tourism are: 1 – plan your trip, choose those providers that offer you guarantees of quality and respect to the human rights and the environment.