Increased White Blood Cell Count
Elevated white blood cells. Causes of leukocytosis. Leukocytosis is raising leukocytes in peripheral blood greater than 9.0 x 109 / l. For children of white blood cells increase, which would be regarded as leukocytosis, dependent on age. Standards for levels of leukocytes in the blood of children can be found in Article norm of leukocytes in the blood. Several distinct mechanisms for increasing white blood cells in the peripheral blood leukocytosis and Development: The tumor transformation of the polypeptide of stem cell, which leads to the proliferation of germs and increase blood blood cells, including leukocytes and leykotsitov.Povyshennoe education by accelerating the maturation of their bodies in hematopoiesis by natural stimulating factors leykopoeza, which include: physical and chemical factors of inflammation, tissue breakdown products, hypoxia, formation of immune complexes, toxins, Increased activity of the pituitary-adrenal sistemy.Pri pronounced vascular reaction, which resulted in blood shed from frees large amounts of white blood cells. Depending on the cause of improving leukocytes produce physiological and pathological leukocytosis. The causes of pathological leukocytosis: Acute and chronic, are in the acute phase, inflammatory diseases, especially suppurative protsessy.Zabolevaniya at which the decay (necrosis) of tissue: myocardial infarction, stroke, pancreatic, bowel infarction, kidney, spleen, extensive burns, etc.) and / or severe intoxication noninflammatory nature (uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis, etc.).
Diseases and pathological conditions accompanied by hypoxia (blood loss, hemolysis, and carbon monoxide poisoning, etc.). At a poisoning with toxic . tumor zabolevaniya.Uvelichenie number of leukocytes due to the proliferation of germs of one of the blood, such as chronic and acute leukemias, eritremii, polycythemia and dr.Pri diseases and pathological conditions involving immune reactions, such as collagen, serum sickness, acute glomerulonephritis, and others Leukocytosis due to physiological factors, may occur after meals (especially protein-rich), after considerable physical (muscle) work on the background of marked emotional stress (stress), after overheating or overcooling. Reduced white blood cells. Leukopenia. Leukopenia is reduction in peripheral blood leukocytes below 4.0 x 109 / l.
Leukopenia develops as a result of oppression leykopoeza that observed for the following diseases and pathological states: In viral infections such as influenza, hepatitis, HIV infection (especially with the development of AIDS), measles, rubella, and bacterial species dr.Nekotorye (typhoid, paratyphoid, brucellosis, etc.), rikketsionnoy (typhus, typhus and others), and protozoal infections (malaria). Generalized infection: sepsis, milliarnye inflammation. Generalized infection due to excessive stress on the immune system, leading to depletion the body's defenses, resulting in the number of leukocytes in the blood decreases and, consequently, develops leykopeniya.Autoimmunnye zabolevaniya.Pri hypersplenism syndrome (splenomegaly may develop, ie pathological enlargement of the spleen). When this syndrome is not only a decrease in white blood cells, and platelets (thrombocytopenia) and red blood cells (erythropenia). Aleukemic form leykozov.Pri violations endocrine system of the body, with a reduction in the production of hormones, either directly or indirectly involved in leucopoiesis, such as hypothyroidism. To detect changes in white blood cell count in the total clinical medicine is used blood test, which includes not only the determination of total white blood cell count, and determination of the qualitative composition of white blood cells, ie, leykoformuly (determined by eosinophils, basophils, segmented and stab neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes), which allows you to determine what species by leukocytes observed leukocytosis or leukopenia.