The Currencies
A few days, gave turns to the neighborhood, and others, when there were lottery game, ran in route of trade in the area and there was enough to buy a ticket for the bet of the day option that would be for if same, the ideal end of its torments, justification of their cravings, new reason of his life. To purchase the lottery, Luis took a few coins he had saved since always in a small trunk that was hidden in her closet, and I never need while He was working, but until now, it was useful to buy cigarettes, a newspaper, and lottery tickets. So every afternoon, Luis changed their clothing by the do calisthenics to then give his usual bed. But behind all this, a fact existed particularly that in some way towards that Luis desahogara daily their bitterness, more beyond what could produce a twenty-minute walk, and was each time, before you leave, this was directed at his wife, who then having worked all day in a shop of flowers, was in house ocupandose any of that household chores, which to him seemed not import him as always refuelled you with the following two words: I hate you! -then marched House to take his accustomed walk. Juliana, only limited to lowering the gaze and remained silent as a sign of a certain indifference, custom already in this daily ritual. In fact, on most days, that was the only element of communication between the two, after a Te odio, lowering the gaze and do the indifferent.
But I arrive the day in which the currencies of the trunk not already reached for good luck. Had just finished and when was a large accumulated for the jackpot lottery game. Towards weeks that no one won and the figure surrounding the million of dollars. For any player was a sin to a deadly degree not play that day.