Nov 13 2013


In such a way, the used energy substrata are a combination of lipdios and carboidratos (BACURAU, 2000). According to PASCHOAL, SHIPS & SOUZA (2002) the energy necessities are only to each athlete and must go to the meeting to its nutricionais objectives. These energy necessities must be predicted evaluating the energy expense of the carried through activities and the tax of basal metabolism. Methods as the indirect calorimetria and the water doubly marked are examples of as the energy expense can be evaluated, beyond allowing the determination of irregularities in this energy rocking. The majority of the studies with athlete demonstrates that the calrica ingestion is subestimada and that the objective of all athlete is to reach levels of corporal composition below of the health standards. Moreover, the dietary restriction cause significant damages to the corporal functions, since many times the income is affected due to a balanced feeding, since the foods are substituted by nutricionais supplements, indicated many times for technician and salesmen of the store you specify (PASCHOAL, SHIPS & SOUZA, 2002).

The training is optimum moment a fundista to initiate the changes of the diet, therefore it needs to be safe in consuming the calories adjusted for the training. Moreover, he must use the training to get used to the strategical ones of alimentary ingestion and fluids to efficiently supply the energy demand, the hidratao and the termorregulao. The athlete who does not consume enough calories can present precocious fatigue during the trainings, muscular loss of masses, increase of the risk of injuries and infections, as well as menstrual disfuno in the case of the women (BONCI, 1993). As the training increases and the conditions improve have some physiological adaptations that occur and also they can affect the energy availability (BACURAU, 2000).