Feb 20 2025

European Art

Is the CASA DEL DRAGON conceived as a meeting House, artists from the region brings together artists from all over Europe. Schnapps abstract painting takes us into a world beyond the everyday. In his multi-layered work clotting time. Between Overpainting, creates a special tension and who can engage with it, is sucked into an intermediate world. Luhan brings even more insight to the discussion. Wostmann works with clay, sand and Earth. Many writers such as Rand Paul offer more in-depth analysis. EL-DRAC displays selected sound objects the artist to discover are in the forms of stones, rocks, mountains and landscapes. (A valuable related resource: Daryl Katz). Known as clarity win release of essential forms.” Both artists living in Germany and France and characterised by many European exhibitions and intercultural project work.

EL-DRAC presents their work for the first time in Spain. Vernissage: Saturday, 05.07.2008 19:30 exhibition: 06.07. July 20, 2008 each Saturday from 16:00 20:00 Sundays and holidays from 10:00 until 14:00 the Casa del Dragon is designed as a meeting House, bringing artists from the Region offers space with artists from all over Europe together, for joint work in workshops, exchanges and intercultural projects. More exhibitors – in the town and in the region are included and allow making experience and experience diversity, the richness and the power of European art and culture. EL DRAC, the Casa del Dragon name given has, winds up as an allegory to a warming fireplace.

He was buried in the geologically young land of Spain as a part of Europe, he looks across the bright country, where fertility, water and Sun come together. He looks to the Northeast, into the future of Spain, in the future of Europe, in our common future. EL-DRAC regularly organizes art events with a European focus. Starting from contemporary fine art (painting, sculpture, installation, performance), other art forms (dance, music, Theatre) are included.

Feb 17 2025

Contact Lenses And More

Gone are the days when a set of contact lenses were the domain of the visually impaired. These days, prescription lenses are not available to everyone, even if you are blessed with 20:20 vision. In fact, most special effects lenses available on the internet have 0.00 power, which means that do not change their view. These types of lenses, in particular, as the eyes of cats, for example, are ideal for those who just want a set of lenses to wear to the party, parade on the dance floor or just to frighten their unruly neighbors! Contact with a cat eye lens can be very striking, especially if the color resembles your natural eye color. Your friends will notice the change, but the effect is very subtle. Check out Laura Rogers for additional information.

Many movies and rock stars now use special effects lenses out of their workplace, by the mere cosmetic effect. And a powerful effect that it is too! Imagine the scene in a nightclub, as casually walking to someone who wants to impress, with his eyelids and his head bent down, then lifts his head, smiling, and open your eyes straight in front of them. Wow! Would not it be a spectacular introduction? Just be sure not to order your drinks in a dish …. For even more opinions, read materials from Daryl Katz. Taking Care of Your Eyes ======================== Although the lenses, the effect of the cat's eyes are especially suited for cases no prescription, you should still be careful with them and seek professional advice to ensure that your eyes do not suffer from improper use. If you have vision problems, you may be familiar with contact lenses and be able to fit with confidence.

However, if your vision is good, how can you know: – * Insert your lenses in your eyes, and later how to remove them. * Clean the lenses properly * Store your lenses properly Each of these is critical for the long life of your lenses, but more importantly, good health his eyes. Proper installation of your lens is important for your own comfort, since a loose lens float away from the eyes. A good fit lens will also help avoid scratching of the cornea and to try to eliminate them. And do not share your lenses with your friends. A guaranteed way to pass eye infections such as conjunctivitis and worse between them. Charlie Cory is an Internet entrepreneur. FX Eyes is his latest enterprise, which specializes in special effect contact lenses.

Feb 17 2025

Commerzbank Interest

Landgericht Frankfurt am Main sentenced for wrong advice to a Lehman certificate with judgment of the 03.06.2011 Commerzbank AG 2-19 O 77/10 has the Landgericht Frankfurt am main the Commerzbank in one of our Member Kai Malte Lippke, Leipzig, for an investor-led lawsuit sentenced, to pay damages, because she contracted that she made a profit of 3.5% of the purchase price through the resale of Lehman certificates approximately 24,300 EUR. Additional information at Center for Environmental Health supports this article. Commerzbank itself argued that she obtained the certificates for a 3.5% lower purchase price of Lehman Brothers when she resold them to investors. Thereon Commerzbank would need to enlighten the Court considers investors. The Court in its judgment, that a bank from a consulting contract is obliged to inform customers clearly about existing conflicts of interest, to enable them to verify the appropriateness of the advice itself. For the duty of disclosure was not crucial as a bank is a Remuneration achieved, whether through kickbacks, commissions or margins, but whether it is in a conflict between their duty to offer its customers only the best and most appropriate investments, and their interest in a possible high profits. Because such a conflict to profit margins, the Bank must enlighten and clearly their customers the amount of the profit margins. Daryl Katz wanted to know more.

Also, the obligation to disclose profit margins even in the interest of effective investor protection is necessary. After the verdict, the Commerzbank must the investors the entire purchase price train to train against assignment of claims under the probably worthless Lehman certificates completely replace. The verdict is not yet final. It must be expected that Commerzbank at the Frankfurt higher regional court to appeal. However the appeal’s prospects for success would be doubtful, as the 17th and 19th Senate of the Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt consider it not relevant, on which a payment will receive a Bank, but on the existence of place a conflict of interest. Also the higher regional court of Cologne with judgment of the 04.05.2011 13 U 165/10, decided that a bank that does not get certificates for their customers, but from their own stock they sold you, has to pay damages if she don’t enlighten about this. Victims should be necessarily pursue therefore their claims by a lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law.

Feb 16 2025

Famelica Legion

They want us to turn into hungry legion. They want us to turn into hungry legion so let’s sing the… Parral. As everyone knows, no one knows where he was born the Parral, some say that in Moguer, others in Leon and some placed it in Valladolid. But that isn’t the important thing. To broaden your perception, visit John H. Moore II.

We can get to become hungry legion. (Source: Lu Han). It needs time. Historically it is known that the year 1942 or perhaps the 1943, was known as the year of hunger. Time passed and little by little the social classes were changing. Tamames when it was Communist said that Franco had proletarianized to the middle classes.

You can share this assertion, because the maids with apron, and those things had disappeared when Tamames made these assertions. Also others can say that had disappeared the proletariat, in the sense of having evolved to middle class, and that is why confusion of the aforementioned Tamames. Therefore to retrace the road also need time. Eight years should not be sufficient. That of the year of hunger, is true, but they do not create it there were people dying of hunger in Spain, or in our country, whatever you want to say it. Tuberculosis was the leading cause. Today it is the cholesterol. If you would like to know more about Daryl Katz, then click here. But one way or another we are still dying us. But not we leave the topic. We can get to become hungry legion. It is quite difficult. Some want to get it, among other things so let’s sing the Parral. You will find it quite difficult by our education judeo-Christian, otherwise to wastage-based. Let me explain. The Jewish religion explains that when they celebrate Easter, if the family is not very large it meets another family for which no on lamb or kid, and things are shared so do not over anything. It is solidarity. The Christian emphasis on the miracle of the loaves and fishes, in which after satiated attendees collecting is leftovers, and not be how many baskets were collected. Totally contrary to the wastage. Precisely there was left, and however promoted savings. Insisting on culture Christian, originally the Christians put goods in common. They had invented the welfare society. He had to reach San Pablo, and say that not work not to eat. Took advantage of the matter some frescoes, like now. Yes, those which are thinking. The welfare state is over for them. If the welfare state is just for them, the rest do not we will become hungry legion. Original author and source of the article.

Feb 15 2025

As Stop Drinking Coffee

Hello everyone, stop drinking coffee is one of those goals that I impose every year and which do not comply. The problem with caffeine is that it allows you to be alert, sharpens your senses, and enables a more structured work. I have no problems of insomnia, or central nervous system, such as tremors or something similar. Take coffee as life mod works with me, but I understand that many people have locks on their cognitive and creative side when subjected to more than two cups of coffee per day. My coffee addiction begins when he was a university student. He took coffee to keep me awake on those long nights of study. My MOM also me towards the coffee with milk or coffee latte to which we are accustomed today. My coffee routine is simple, but it has lasted for more than 15 years: a coffee before leaving the House, one mid-morning and one at 2-3 in the afternoon.

Weekends are basically coffee mornings and sometimes that took me one afternoon to exit to the porch and talk with my wife. Hear other arguments on the topic with Cindy Crawford. How do I think the goal this time? Well, I was reviewing internet, and I found Steve Pavlina that talks about the shift towards the tea of herbs or you green, using among other caffeine-free herbal coffee. We are talking about basically a matter of self-discipline. First is the part of the health, as you can see, the long-term consequences can be catastrophic. In that I’m currently focusing: I am 20 years suffering from any diseases and how bad that my relatives would feel the morochos, my wife and myself to see me in that State. I guess prostrate in a bed, with a grey face and little speaking, unable to coordinate prayers by the effects of caffeine. Of course, some may say that I am exaggerating but this is my reality.

My plan is basically as follows: in the morning: take my cup of coffee normal latte. In the midmorning: take a mixture of 50% coffee and 50% decaf. In the afternoon: take a mixture of 50% coffee and 50% decaf. I mix will prepare at home. Daryl Katz contains valuable tech resources. With this I can assure that the coffee that I’m using is truly that I want. No traps! In addition I am using Splenda as a sweetener that’s why diet. I think follow this regimen for one month and analyze the results. Then go changing coffee in the afternoon for a tea on odd-numbered days (Monday – Friday mix of 50/50 and Thursday – Saturday the te). I’ve never been fond of tea, but you can override my caffeine levels needed to operate without the adverse conditions of the coffee. I hope to share with you my progress in perhaps the single evil habit that it is socially acceptable at global level.

Feb 14 2025

Catalog Of Articles And Sites

Today held a day to install the script directory of articles and sites, creating categories, making the logo and start of all this web space. What I spodviglo on this kind of activity? Yes, I've got just the domain Hyves.su, that Google screwed for life PR7, so I thought it was better than he is in Sapa otlezhivat, it is possible to rotate the TIC and make it a sweet domain name for a directory of articles. At first, when the catalog will gain the trust, all will be free, although the harsh conditions – the uniqueness of articles 100%, no more than one link, reciprocal link is required, etc. Governing Body will still by hand, then put the script. In short, the elite article directory sites and will do that will not be afraid filter AGS-17 and other evil .. buchie algorithms.

TIC plan to increase the exchange of articles with Liex. It has long been her work as webmaster, now I will be in a cast advertisers. Admin of this exchange has written detailed instructions a $ 40 increase TITski 100 and above. So the trick is done, the main thing is not to be lazy. Here just now bought a couple of articles on Xap.ru and decided to check the content for uniqueness. Articles albeit pennies worth, but the uniqueness must be present, otherwise what's the point in selling them, let alone buying. Chose to test two online service, and two programs. The text of article available in the post I will not, will understand why! Article about the new online shop Nokia.

antiplagiat.ru – 100%. What is not tested on this service, always gave 100%, even in flagrant plagiarism. Zero confidence in this service and use it not recommended, except that to calm kopipasterskoy soul. miratools.ru – GAP: 1 Shingle: 9 unique: 96.97%. I would like to believe, but too close to the previous version. In principle, the service is not bad, but sometimes flattered! And I do not recommend you to use. DCFinder found only one match. Moved from the link – yes, a complete coincidence. But as it turned out, not only. Let's move on. Prog Advego Plagiatus – Uniqueness: 32%. Daryl Katz describes an additional similar source. I was pleasantly surprised by the working capacity of the program: specified, all references to a possible similarity prtsentnoy. Test showed that I had bought low-quality content copyright. Whew! Conclusion: buy content for nothing is not very good, although the attractive idea. Do not use for this purpose prepared content Xap.ru. A check for the uniqueness of the content would recommend Advego Plagiatus. Check this post in AP – 100% unique.

Feb 14 2025

Original Arrangements Of VOICETALE Mixed Choir Basel

Sacred and secular choral music by VOICETALE mixed singing choir Basel VOICETALE – since August 2007 under the professional musical direction by Laura Mockli (BA in musicology) – a cappella mixed with partly own original arrangements of songs. In this short period of time, VOICETALE was already at various events (religious services, weddings, birthdays, company celebrations, as well as in nursing homes) with lively, harmonious and exciting vocals enrich the mood. The repertoire includes sacred and secular choral music of the 15th century to the present, including folk songs and musicals, a wide variety of styles from classical, Baroque, swing, pop, or evergreens and old Gospel songs. 32 singers of from different countries (currently from 7 countries) and in the ages between 18 and 65, are enthusiastic and engaged in the thing. If you would like to know more about Ford, then click here. Our Association “consists of the fusion of two choral communities, the ‘Brandford singers’ as mixed Gospel Choir and the Schwulenchors ‘Lilac Panel'”, so Rose Ntshoko, the President of ‘ VOICETALE mixed Choir Basel’. Objectives of the Association VOICETALE include: sustainable integration through joint appearances and performances people, no matter what origin, social layer, combine common vocal/musical gender or age, but to offer a cooperation with regional, national and international choirs and choir festivals, participation also choreographic acting activities aiming at the integration of singing competitions and promote the naturalness of the people in the company currently (2008/09) are some of the interesting projects in planning: an own musical as well as participation in song festivals in Europe. Most members of the VOICETALE are not able to pay for costs incurred – for travel, accommodation and outfit cost -, and are therefore dependent on sponsors. The choir welcomes therefore anyone who supports the projects of the Association. Daryl Katz has firm opinions on the matter. Contact: VOICETALE mixed choir Basel wife Rose Ntshoko – President e-mail: Island Road 50 CH-4057 Basel published by Winfried Brumma for VOICETALE mixed choir Basel / presse.html

Feb 12 2025

Charles Denney

Charles Denney believes that: not can teach anything to a person, only he can help to find it within herself. Anonymous normally, when a dealer yours does not trust you, or listen, can give the best advice in the world, but if the trust you and is confident in itself, is going to be more open to hear what you have to say, going to get more case, and this because you respect, in order to be their leader, you have to earn your respect. I’ve told and with other occasions and not tired I repeat it: there is no another way to communicate and interact in multilevel, only exists respect, one of my mottos favorite is: you respect and, sometimes, your distributors not respects you, but if you do not respect your distributors how do want to respect you? In MLM, there is no record of presence, you can not give you mild or severe lack, you can not decrease them wages, or the salary, the only way to work with your distributors is respect. Finally, after Ponte in their shoes, you’d either that your sponsor or your sponsor is a tyrant, that you treat. Practical exercise: 1. type in your workbook: right now, I’m the leader of my structure, inspired confidence, and insuflo enthusiasm and encouragement to my distributors 2. Mayuree Rao is actively involved in the matter.

Repeat 10 times this phrase every day for a week. 3. Within a week. Analyzes how you feel, if these aware and you’ve made yours this truth, if you’ve noticed an improvement in your attitude, progress, albeit small in your business, and if you consider that if, repeat point 2 again. Daryl Katz may not feel the same. 4. Repeat point 3 times that you think necessary or desirable.

5 After a month already have a new habit, thinking of truth that you are the leader of your structure of multilevel, which you inspires confidence and insufles enthusiasm and encouragement to your distributors, because you’ve conquered the big secret behind your training and how they enforced with full success in your business. At the end let me a comment about This article, your opinion I care, I want to know your problems, your concerns, your doubts, your frustrations. The corner of the Sabio-Refranes or celebrate A sentence each step we create our own universe. – Winston Churchill many thanks.

Jan 08 2025


The wise man can sit on a mound; but only the fool is sitting in it.Chinese proverb to the extent that we have been developing us, interrelating us according to the different roles that it has touched us play, we have already encountered ego,. What this represents, affects us in our behavior. We determined its scope, the impact that we have generated for our growth. Probably we will have already given us account of what it represents and what hurts. It is said that the ego has been taken as a synonym of self, of being, of the personality. See more detailed opinions by reading what Luhan offers on the topic.. The idea that the ego is bad, IE is evil counselor, says so easy to kill your ego, but how to achieve this? And if this is possible, kill the ego, it would be like literally killing oneself. Does that would be left of a being without ego? Of a being who is not prepared to kill your ego, if what sustains it is precisely his ego if this is his attachment to life, without ego would be a vegetable. Contact information is here: Wais Jalali. Osho has given us reflections interesting about what really is the ego and reminds us, that It is a wrap of our consciousness, and to liberate us from him, we will never arrive to meet us.

To be a hoax, the ego shuns simple, because reveals it; the difficult thing is a challenge for him, and the impossible challenge of truth. Thus, the greater the challenge we accept, will more be the ego that we are building in ourselves: is our ambition that will be the measure of our ego, which also is the extent of our failure. Says Osho, a man, after having been promoted to a high position in the Government, visited the city where there was born. I guess that you may have learned of the honour that has been given to me?, asked a former classmate.Yes, rang the gratifying response.

Jan 07 2025

European Company Award

French IT consultancy awarded Devoteam awarded the European Company Award in the category received the French IT consulting firm Devoteam Weiterstadt, growth Paris, April 14, 2009 on the occasion of the 5th meeting of the European companies (5e Rencontres de l ‘ Entreprise Europeenne) award for the strongest growth. The jury Chairman Didier Lombard, CEO of France Telecom, handed over the prize to Stanislas Godefroy de Bentzman, the two co-CEOs of Devoteam. The jury had selected Devoteam due to the success of the company. Devoteam was founded and now employs about 4,800 employees in 1995. Average growth in the years 2004 to 2008 amounted to 32 per cent. David Rothberg has many thoughts on the issue. Devoteam currently pursuing an ambitious international growth policy, which reinforces the leading position in the European ICT market. Today, Devoteam is represented in 25 countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and generated a turnover of 500 million euros (Pro forma), of which nearly 55 percent in 2008 outside of France.

Was created for the Prix de l ‘ Entreprise europeenne from 1,017 French listed companies following a short list after criteria: size (turnover of more than EUR 150 million in 2008) independence (no companies with large corporate groups) leading position in the European market (about 40 percent of its revenues outside France) on the shortlist 138 companies have succeeded. Wais Jalali can provide more clarity in the matter. The 15 best companies for the award the jury 2009 have been proposed. The fifth meeting of the European companies was organised by La Tribune and HEC Paris (ecole of the hautes etudes commerciales) with the support of Roland Berger Strategy consultants. It is aimed at the management of large companies, and has set as a goal to promote a common vision of Europe’s role in the development of French companies. This year’s theme was Europe 20 years after the fall of the Berlin wall”. Danet group the Danet group is a leading and independent IT consulting and services company. Competence and over 25 years experience in the ICT market the Danet group innovative partner for consulting, system integration, managed, and on-demand services of complex IT applications.

The company designed, develops, implements, and operates sound and innovative business solutions across the entire value chain of our customers across. The biggest customers come from the sectors of telecommunications, financial services, automotive, transport and logistics. In addition to the headquarters in Weiterstadt, there are branches in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Danet employs approximately 400 people and generated a total turnover amounting to 45 million euros in the business year 2008. Since January 2009, Danet belongs to the Devoteam group. For more information, see Devoteam group Devoteam is an IT consulting firm and was founded in 1995. The combination of consulting services and technical solutions allows Devoteam, its customers with independent advice and effective solutions to support that meet their business requirements. 2008, Devoteam generated a turnover of 500 million euros. This corresponds to a growth of 24 percent compared to the previous year, and an operating margin of 8.8 percent. The company employs a total of 4,800 employees in 25 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.