Nor all the people obtain to arrive at the top of the pyramid of necessities. Some people? favours to the life circumstances? they arrive if to worry strong about auto-accomplishment necessities; others park in the necessities of esteem; others still in the social necessities, while many others are busy exclusively with physiological necessities of security and, without they obtain to satisfy them adequately. They are the calls ‘ ‘ excludos’ ‘. 3.
When the necessities lowest are reasonable satisfied, the necessities located in the raised levels more start to dominate the behavior. However, when some necessity of lower level leaves of to be satisfied it comes back to predominate in the behavior, while it generates tension in the organism. The more pressing necessity most important or automatically monopolizes the individual to organize the mobilization of the diverse facultieses of the organism to take care of it. 4. Each person always possesss more than a motivation. All the levels jointly act in the organism, dominating the raised necessities more on lowest, since that these enough satisfied or are taken care of. All necessity closely is related with the state of satisfaction or insatisfao of other necessities.
Its effect on the organism is always global and joint and never isolated. 5. Any motivated behavior is as a canal for which many basic necessities can express be or satisfied jointly. 6. Any frustration or possibility of frustration of the satisfaction of certain necessities passes to be considered psychological threat. This threat is that it produces the general reactions of emergency in the human behavior. Freederick Herzberg (1959) developed the theory of the Two Factors of the Motivation, that identifies different factors as being basic in the satisfaction in the work, calls of Factors of Hygiene and Factors of Motivation. The excellent aspects of the work to the necessities of animal nature are called Hygienical factors.