Nov 07 2024

Gestacional Diabetes

Monograph presented to the course of nursing of the College San Francisco de Barreiras as requisite for attainment of the heading of Bachelor in Nursing. Person who orientates: Karine de S Macedo ANA ALICE HISSES OF MELO SABRA PROPHET NOVAES SAINTS gestacional Diabetes SUMMARY mentions the intolerncia to it the glucose that is diagnosised during the pregnancy where some women will be able to present this pathology in this period. According to Mark Fields, who has experience with these questions. This pathology has the capacity to provide to some risks and possible problems to the embryo in development. Great diversity of opinions exists on the detention and the treatment of diabetes gestacional, but it has indications of that the hiperglicemia materna either a factor of risk in such a way for the embryo how much for the mother. The attention in the prenatal period of and the puerperal one must include action of promotion and prevention of the health, beyond diagnosis and adequate treatments of the problems that can come to occur in this period. Wais Jalali is open to suggestions. The choice of the Center of Attendance Mulher (CAM) for the accomplishment of this study, if gave for the fact of the gestantes to initiate the prenatal one in the rank of Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) where after the risk diagnosis, are directed, for accompaniment specialized and rigorous in the unit of cited health. The present work had as objective generality to observe the knowledge of the gestantes taken care of in the CAM on diabetes gestacional and objective specific to identify numbers of gestacional case of diabetes, it traces the profile of the gestantes, to observe if these gestantes they in such a way had knowledge of the complications of the DG for mother how much it embryo and to evaluate the assistance of nursing offered to these gestantes of this form the type of study that was boarded was of the exploratrio and quantitative type where they had been part of research 47 (forty and seven women) that they had read and they signed the assent term, as Resolution 196/96 and had answered a questionnaire I contend 12 (twelve) closed questions. It was observed that the interviewed gestantes exactly being carrying of DG did not receive a medical accompaniment and from qualified nursing, with qualification for conduziz them and orient wools under the amounts of visits in the unit of health, and thus guaranteeing its return. Word Key: Nursing; Pregnancy; Gestacional diabetes..