The economic crisis has greatly affected small businesses and the self-employed by what it is not strange that they seek new forms of financing that will enable them to acquire the products they need. Precisely for this reason, the leasing of cars, an option which used to come large and medium-sized enterprises, today has become a fairly popular alternative among family business owners and the self-employed. A look at the basics of leasing roughly, can affirm that leasing is a financing of cars since their ultimate goal is to acquire the car with better conditions. Customer must pay each month and at the end can stay with the new car. Currently there is a law governing what the sum which may climb these quotas which are normally determined by mutual agreement between the company and the person in the car. Daryl Katz does not necessarily agree.
However, almost always the leasing contract provides a minimum duration of two years. When is the contract about to expire, the client will have the option of paying the residual value, deliver the car to the company (in which case it must be in perfect condition) or renew the contract, almost always reaching an agreement minor quotas. The benefits of leasing’s car leasing is one of the most interesting options for acquiring a car as their financing conditions are much more affordable compared to which usually provide banks that are fairly strict at the time of granting the credit. In fact, leasing not only achieves a 100% of the total amount of investment financing, but that you can immediately enjoy the car. From the fiscal point of view the leasing of cars also offers some advantages. If the company or the self-employed had a car of your property, you could only deduct approximately 10% of the costs of the same but if you opt for a lease, the rent is considered as an expense by what may deduct in its entirety. In addition, insolvency, the owner simply must cancel your loan and return the car.